Monday, February 23, 2009

Life - Variety

Life sure takes some interesting twists and turns. I enjoy variety, and don’t care much for monotony. Over the last week, we have had times full of mixed emotions - happy, sad, hurtful, joyful.

My 6 year old and my 3 old both were sick with a nasty cold. I got sick as well. The 3 year old refuses to take his medication, hence, to date he is still having a cold and a low grade fever. My 6 year old, on the other hand, does not like to be sick. He demands his medication! He is the better off for so doing.

Here’s the lesson I get from this situation with my two children. When we are feeling low and life gets the better of us, we ought to make use of the resources that God provides to help us feel better. Take our medication, use natural remedies, call on friend/confidante, talk about the problem, seek solutions, be hopeful, trusting, and, don’t be surprised when things get better. Things will get better! We need to always comfort ourselves by being convinced that “weeping endures for a moment, but joy cometh in the morning”. [We know the lesson we can learn from the attitude of my 3 year old; and as my intent is to encourage, I will not detail what will happen if we choose to behave like my sweet angel, and refuse help!. Did I tell you he has been sick for over a week now!! He spread it all around the house and now Daddy is down with the cold!!] Let us focus on spreading joy, being hopeful, live in peace, and show much love!!

On Saturday, I had three functions that I attended. My day started at 6 a.m. and ended at midnight. First, we went to Hilltop Church of Christ in Winter Haven to support our Minister’s wife who was the keynote speaker at their Ladies Day Program. Who would come to sit in front of me in the auditorium, but an old friend? I didn’t even recognize her at first, and her way of greeting me, was a hard slap on the leg! She had matured and it wasn’t long before I remembered her. That was such a blessing! Seeing her after all these years, reminded me that you never know when God have a wonderful surprise for you. It could be an unexpected cash windfall (or maybe a $20 in your pocket), a visit from an old friend, or meeting up with an old friend like I did! That was truly a blessing, and I was extremely grateful, and full of joy!

After my Minister’s wife made a powerful, encouraging presentation on the story of Esther in keeping with the theme, “A Moment in Time”, we left to attend a funeral in a neighboring city. The person being buried was the sister of our Minister’s Mother, Founder and Coordinator of our Tuesday Bible Class, and an awesome woman of the Word. We had to support her. We had to let her see that we care. We had to be there for her. In good times and in bad times, we need each other. We will cross over the hurdles faster and with more confidence when we know that someone is beside us. We can always be hopeful when we believe that God is with us and will “never leave us, nor forsake us”. What a comfort to know that “God is just a prayer away”.

My day is not over yet. Later in the evening my husband and I went to a 50th birthday celebration. What a party!!! A good friend of ours full of life and vigor, you would not guess she turned 50 on Sunday!. She is from a large family of 14 and I believe they all were present at the party. Can you imagine 14 (16 with parents) children in one house (and it is not a mansion with several wings)? I can't imagine!! Listening to the tributes paid to our friend, we could tell that, as siblings, they enjoyed each other’s company (and still do). In the Lord, we have an even larger family, and we need to enjoy each other’s company more. The whole party atmosphere was one of fun, laughter, and having a good time, celebrating and giving thanks for a life that is committed to serving God with joy, gladness, thankfulness, and praise! It was good for me to be there. I enjoyed myself and was happy to be able to share with someone who has lived for half a century on this earth. We never know how long we have on this earth, and it is entirely up to us to live, to love, to laugh, to hope, to endure! We really do need to celebrate with each other more!

From now on, let us try to make every moment in time a happy, hopeful one!!


[My boys had a party in our absence as they had other 4 other kids who came over – yes, my home was the day care center for several of us who went to the party!]

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